Sunday, May 27, 2012

Today's Reading for Shavuot

We will read:

Torah~       Exodus 19:1-20:23  Which tell of the giving of the Ten Commandments.
                   Numbers 28:26-31   Which tells of the special sacrificial offerings for Shavuot in biblical times.
                   Deut. 14:22-16:17   Which deals with the laws of tithing, release of debts in the seventh year, the release of slaves every seventh year, and a detailed description of the three pilgrimage festivals of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot.

HafTorah~ Eze 1:1-28, 3:12  Which contains the prophet's most astounding vision of God. Ezekiel     describes a remarkable vision of God. He sees a Divine Throne-Chariot, whose main feature is a group of four-faced living creatures. His appearance of a manifestation of God connects the haftarah to the Torah reading, where God reveals His will at Mount Sinai.
                   Ruth   Which tells of a Gentile being grafted into the Israelites. Your Elohim will be my Elohim. 
                   Hab 2:20-3:19  Habakkuk pleads with Elohim to intervene on behalf of his people.

Brit Hadasha~ John 1:32-34  John the Immerser baring record of Yeshua.
                        Matt. 3:11-17  Yeshua being immersed.
                        Acts 2:1-21, 37-41 The day of Shavuot when the disciples were filled with the Ruach Ha Qodesh.  Repentace and Immersing and three thousand souls added that day. 


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