Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Wedding Rehearsal

When I was little girl, like all little girls, we dream of the day we will marry.  It was so exciting to go to a wedding and see the bride come down the aisle and meet up with her groom.  It was so beautiful to look around at the bridal party and everyone dressed for the occasion.  The whole picture was breathtaking.
One thing I learned about weddings was if you were going to be in the wedding you had to be at the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  You had to be there.

What does this have to do with us? Well, Yahushua is coming back for His Bride. But we have to prepare.  We have to be at the rehearsals.  The Fall Feasts are coming upon us.  Feast of Trumpets is the 29th of September.  This is when the shofar is blown and when no man knows the hour or day.  In traditional Hebrew custom, the father tells the son when he can retrieve his bride. The son doesn't just "go" get her, he waits on his father to tell him. That's why it says "only my father in heaven knows." We all wait for the shofar.  It is also when Yahushua will return, like a thief in the night for His bride.  Just like Jacob left with Leah and Rachel and all their belongings.  Laban, the girl's father, didn't know they left. We are to remember and keep His Feasts.  They are rehearsals.  When you look up the word Feasts in Hebrew the word is Moedim.  And when you take that to the root word it says betrothed. Also, the word convocations when taken back to the Hebrew is rehearsal.  His Sabbaths and Feasts are rehearsals.   Remember in the Brit Hadashah (New Testatment) Yahushua tells a parable about a wedding feasts and someone came in not prepared. He was not wearing the proper attire.  He was bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness.  We have to be prepared.  For this day is coming, and soon.  But we have to be at the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. No ifs, ands or buts. 


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