
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Evening to Evening

It seems to be often debated about what the true definition of time is.  Whether referring to a day or week, there are many opinions about time.  Does the day start when the sun rises or does the week begin on Sunday as in modern western culture?  I find it interesting that our Father's daily calendar, according to HIS word is set to evening to evening, to create 1 day.  This fascinates me because even from the very first verse, light came out of darkness.  Our Father was trying to show us from the very first words that he would help us overcome our darkness, or sin.  In the very first words he already showed us redemption was coming.  Though he didn't give us every detail, he was telling us our light, Yeshua, would come out of our darkness, moving away from Torah.

Our light in Yeshua would bring us back to the fullness in relationship with our creator, YAHWEH.  It is through Yeshua we once again have a relationship with the Father.

These parallels in the very first verses are not a coincidence, they are the work of a Creator that spans all levels of knowledge and existence.

Genesis 1:1 - 5 (The Five Books of Moses, Everett Fox)
At the beginning of Elohim's creating of the heavens and the earth,
when the earth was wild and waste,
darkness over the face of Ocean,
rushing-spirit of Elohim hovering over the face of the waters--

Elohim said:  let there be light!  And there was light.
Elohim saw the light:  that it was good.
Elohim separated the light from the darkness.
Elohim called the light:  Day!  and the darkness he called:  Night!
There was setting, there was dawning:  one day.

Let's come out of our spiritual darkness and stand in the light of our Messiah, Yeshua, while recognizing our Father knows all and wrote about this from the very beginning.

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