
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Do We Inherit Heaven or Earth?

"The concept of going to heaven as if it were our reward is clearly Greek/Roman/Western in origin and totally foreign to Hebraic thought and the Bible. The righteous will inherit the earth, albeit a new heaven and a new earth, nevertheless, the earth, not heaven."

When we, as Westerner’s, speak of salvation, we generally think of John 3:16. Furthermore, to the Western mind, salvation has the connotation of being saved from our sins so that we can go to heaven one day.
 Our concept of salvation is more intangible, ethereal and other worldly. The Hebraic view (and the scriptural view) of salvation is totally at odds with our current Western mindset. I will quote to you from Marvin Wilson's book, Our Father Abraham:
The Hebrew verb
yasha means "to save" or "to deliver," and the noun yeshua‘ah, "salvation," derives from it. In the Hebrew Bible, this verb is not used in the sense of "escape to heaven." Rather, a careful study of its many occurrences reveals that the main idea is "to liberate," "to deliver from evil," or "to free from oppression."

In most instances, salvation was wrought when Father YHVH defeated Israel's enemies, either directly or through human agents.

 Tony Robinson ~

Psalms 37:29 says "the righteous shall inherit the earth". Yeshua even said in Matthew 5:5 "the meek inherit the earth". No where in the scriptures does it ever say that we go to heaven.  In Revelation the word says a new Jerusalem comes down.  We receive a new heaven and earth,  but we live on earth.  Just like the Garden of Eden.  Elohim came to the Garden. 

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