
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Skulls and Bones

 A couple of weeks ago my daughter and I were shopping and I wanted to take a look at the scarves.  As I was walking up I saw this really pretty scarf.  But I got sidetracked by my daughter and we got to looking at other things and when I came back to the scarves I got to looking at the one I first saw and when I looked at it up close it had skulls on it.  Ewwww!  Why would someone want to wear that?  And this dress?  Why?   I know skulls and bones have been around forever.  But they were worn by the rough crowd and tatooed on arms.  But now you cna see them in jewelry and clothing for everyone.  It just baffles me.    Skulls and bones mean death.  When you study Torah the Israelites were put out of the camp because of sickness that was connected to death.  Women were to be separated during their time of the month.  Loss of blood is loss of life.  And now people are wearing more and more these symbols of death.  I will never forget the day I went to visit a friend of mine.  It was around halloween and my friend had a skeleton hanging up in her dining room.  When you finally see these things with open eyes.  I just hung my head and told Him I was sorry for ever taking part in this horrible holiday.  As always I pray more and more people will have their eyes opened to His wonderful truth. 

Skulls, cross, hamsa all pagan!

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