
Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Power of Shabbat

Several weeks ago as my family sat down for a Shabbat dinner after a long week, all I could see and hear were the smiling faces and laughter filling the air as we indulged ourselves in one of Mrs. Pindell's miraculous meals.  We had embarked yet again on that moment of the week when the 5 of us could take a deep breath and enjoy the company of being a family.  I know most of you will agree that a family dinner is something special, when everyone shows up at the same time and partakes in a meal.  While we generally have family dinners together, there is always something special, something greater, at the one that approachs on Friday evenings, its as if the whole atmosphere changes.

Beyond the usual splendor of the meal itself, there just always seems to be a spirtiual fulfillment in taking part in something our Father sanctified and set apart, not for him by the way, but for us. 

     Mark 2:27: 'And he said unto them, the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath'. 

So there we were, sitting together as a family, smiling, laughing and enjoying each others company.  To add to the moment in the midst of our conversation, our oldest tells me he has learned a lot of things from me.  It really took me back for a minute and really made me see just how mature our children were becoming.  I mean come on, how often does a teenage boy tell his dad he's learned a thing or two from him.

Sabbath is a time to re-connect with each other, discuss the week that happend, look forward to the week ahead, but most important take part in the moment where our Father has made his presence known to us and we can all be there together.  I think our Father knew a thing or two about Sabbath when He instituted it, and I think as you learn the importance of it, you'll see greater richness and blessings in the family that surrounds you.

Praise YEHOVAH!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amein and amein, Charles. Shabbat is our favorite day of the week, by far -- anyone who believes it to be "bondage" has never experienced it firsthand (sadly).
