
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Garden of Eden and the Land of Israel

Just as Adam and Chava were banished from a place/land of blessing, so likewise, Am Yisrael will be banished from a place/land of blessing! Just as the cherubs prevented their return with the flaming sword, so likewise, Am Yisrael will have to suffer the sword in the land of their enemies. The connection between Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael and Adam and Chava in Gan Eden is strengthened even further when you consider the following. The Shemittah (seven-year rest cycle for the land) and the Yovel (year of Jubilee) were times when Am Yisrael was NOT supposed to plant or sow anything. Furthermore, if anyone (the rightful owner of a field, a stranger, a poor person, an animal, etc.) wanted to eat anything, all they had to do was go and pick something to eat just like Adam and Chava in Gan Eden. The Shemittah and Yovel are reflections of the garden of Eden of the past! The connection between how one obtained food during those times and how Adam and Chava obtained their food is the same. Leviticus 25:19-22 states that Adonai's blessing would be so great that they would be able to eat from the sixth year's produce for THREE years until the eighth year's harvest was available in the ninth year. That's LIFE just like in the garden if ever I've seen it! *

Wow!  How sad, YHWH was trying to give them a picture and a time when it was like the Garden of Eden and they didn't do it.  For 490 years they didn't keep the land sabbath and missed a great blessing. For that, they were dispersed among the heathen for 70 years (490/7=70) so the land could have her Sabbath. But they missed this great blessing.  They threw it away. It reminds of a post I just did on the Sabbath. The Sabbath and the Land Sabbath are connected. Sabbath is a sign between Him and His people. Sabbath is a testimony to who created and owns the earth/land. When we keep the Sabbath we pay respect to the owner/creater.  It is about Ownership.  Who benefits from keeping Sabbath and the land Sabbath?  People, servants and livestock.  It is about the Beneficiary.  We all benefit from His ownership. They are connected. If only they had kept them.  Then other nations would have seen that for three years Adonai provided for His people, like in the Garden of Eden.  But they would not.  Just like today with the Sabbath.    It is such a blessing and so many people throw it away. 

*taken from Restoration of Torah torah portion studies


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