
Saturday, May 19, 2012


YHWH works in cycles.  That is why sometimes we feel like we have been doing something over and over and over.  Well, he is trying to teach us something.  The scripture says, "he leadeth me in paths of righteousness." The famous Psalms 23:3b.  The word paths is magal with a root word agol which means circular.  His cycles are in sevens.  Creation week is seven days.  It is where we get our week from.  Our week is seven days and it repeats over and over and over, forever.   We work six days and then have Sabbath and then it starts over again, continual, forever.   When we keep Sabbath we are showing our Father that we understand that nothing but Him is our Creator.  Nothing else put that into motion but Him, just like creation week. It stands out alone and is the hub of all.  His next cycle is His seven Feasts.  Some are put into motion by the New Moon after we have seen the Abib of the barley in Israel.  This where we understand when Passover/Pesach starts and we go on from there to the other Feasts.  Each year this happens over and over.  Then we have seven years.  Six years you labored then a Sabbath year.  Then you did this seven times to come to 49 years and then the 50 year was a Jubilee Year.  Just like counting for Shavuot.  You count seven Sabbaths (49 days) then the next day is 50 days meaning Pentecost/Shavuot.  It is a picture of Jubilee year.  It is the harvest of wheat and wheat represents His people. Then it started all over again.  YHWH says man has 120 years.  Well, you times that times 50 jubilee years and you get 6000 years.  We are in the sixth day of Creation.  The next day is the Sabbath which is the 1,000 year reign of Yeshua.  What happens on the sixth day of the week?  We gather double, it is preparation day before the Sabbath.  Just like Joseph received the double portion inheritance.  The double portion is being gathered.  Why do we follow these cycles?  Because we acknowledge His ownership and His authority.  Are you following His cycles? 



  1. I find your remarks interesting. You seem to understand something about the 7,000 year plan of God as illustrated by the weekly Sabbath and the annual feasts and holy days. You also seem to understand that the annual holy days represent important events or steps in God's salvation of mankind.

    The seventh one-thousand year "day" will be the millennium when Christ and the resurrected saints rule the earth and bring peace and happiness to all mankind.

    Pentecost is coming up soon and I have written an article about the meaning of Pentecost. It certainly represents the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the New Testament Church, but it represents more than that. When properly understood, it helps answer why so few among the billions on earth have been saved or are being saved today.

    1. Penman,

      Yes I do understand about the 7 year plan. The yearly feasts (moedim), appointed times are rehearsals. If you look it up in the Hebrew and you always should. All should be keeping them. It is a rehearsal just like for a wedding. Which is what is Feast of Tabernacles. It is a wedding feast when Yeshua marries His Bride that He is coming back for. They are a part of Keeping His Commandments, His Torah, that was not done away with. The Tanakh and Brit Ha Dasha was written by Hebrews. The Gospel that Yeshua taught was all from the Torah and the Prophets, nothing new just true. It is a Renewed Covenant that He makes with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. No Covenant is made with Gentiles. No Gentile gate in the New Jerusalem. Gentiles are grafted into the Covenant. Paul says that we don't bear the root the root bears us. There is no New Testament Church. That is a lie straight from Satan that the Christians teach. People that call themselves Christians are actually from the Ten Tribes that were taken into captivity by Assyria and never came back. They didn't want to serve YHWH like He said to do. They wanted to do it their way. It wasn't written on their hearts. Mixing pagan ways with His ways. It is the same thing in the Tanakh as it is today. Christmas, Easter, now Halloween. It is an abominatin to Him. Christianity and other religions is Babylon that we are called out of. It is confusion because it mixes truth with lies. Just like the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The disciples and Paul never called themselves christians that was pagans that called them that. They called themselves bondservants. Just like Yeshua they gave themselves wholly to YHWH. There will be a second exodus when Yeshua returns great than the first. Just like Joshua took the people in. Read Joshua and you will see he also called 12 men and nations came against him in war. It is Cycles. That is why you can look at the first chapter in Genesis and understand how it all plays out. And each additional chapter just adds to the picture. And I am not just talking about Genesis. He does say He reveals the end out of the beginning. I read your article and I didn't go into great detail about Shavout/Pentecost because that wasn't really my point I was just using it as an example. We do not know everything and that is why we study as I hope you continue. This path/cycle is not easy. Since coming out of the church we have lost friends, family thinks we are crazy, and people get down right mean-ugly. Prepare for the ride it is gonna get bumpy. Blessings and Shalom!!!
