
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What is Babylon?

In Revelation 18:4 we are told to "come out of her", Babylon.  The Hebrew word Babel, Babylon means confusion and mixture.  It is the mixing of evil with good, error with truth, darkness with light, death with life. The first example of mixing in the Scriptures,of YHVH’s people mixing pagan practices (i.e., evil) with the truth of Elohim (i.e., good) Exodus 32 the golden calf. Who is the author of such mixture and what are its origins?  (Gen 2:9, 3:1–6.) A good example of mixing error with truth. 

 In the Tanakh, Old Testament, Apostasy is symbolized as Israel the faithless spouse turning away from Yahweh her marriage partner, walking away from His covenant.   Like literal adultery it does include the idea of someone blinded by infatuation.  Love is blind they say.  And of course we were blinded from His Truth because of this adultery. When the Israelites walked away from their Husband and His covenant with Him,  His commandments i.e. now becoming lawlessness, Torahlessness, He caused their Sabbath and Feasts to cease. Apostasy means the same thing in the Brit Hadasha, New Testament.  The falling away from the Truth (2 Thess. 2:3) is the greek word apostasia, defection from the Truth.  But Christianity teaches that falling away means that someone goes back to Torah, we don't have to keep the Old Testament.  They also teach Christmas, Easter, Hallelujah Celebrations.  The VERY things He says not to do, Christianity says, "DO".  He says, "do not worship me the way the nations worship their gods" Deut. 12:30-31.  He says keep my Sabbath and my Feasts. Christianity says "DON'T".  He says they are forever, a perpetual Covenant.  He lays it all out in the Torah. His Instructions for living, for worshiping Him.  Repent.  Seek His face and His Truth.  Time is short.


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