
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MONUMENTAL In Search of America's National Treasure

Taken from 

"Kirk Cameron sees that something isn’t quite right here in America. The “Growing Pains” actor, who is now a well-known Evangelical speaker and leader, has set out to tackle some tough issues in his new documentary, “Monumental.” In the film, Cameron explores the problems that exist in American society, while delving into ways in which we can recapture the country’s “national treasure” and return to our roots.

“There is something seriously sick in the soul of our country,” Cameron proclaims in the film.   

What’s wrong with America, and how can we make it right? This is the question Kirk Cameron asks as he retraces the footsteps of our forefathers in the hope of rediscovering America’s true “national treasure.” What made us one of the most exceptional nations the world has ever seen? How did we stray from such a great beginning? Journey with Kirk throughout America and Europe as he explores the foundational doctrines and governing principles on which America was founded. In the end, he realizes that the key to restoring our country is it is not a grand, top-down program that begins in the Oval Office. It begins with our families, around our dinner tables as we seek to renew our nation from the bottom up."
Now, I have not watched the whole movie, I have watched the trailer.  Will I watch it? Maybe. I don't know.  But the problem I have with this movie is the issue we have isn't about America. We are in Egypt. We need to come out of Babylon, from the Hebrew word babel meaning "confusion or mixture." We have to stop looking at the place we are in and keep our eyes to the future of where we are headed, the New Jerusalem.  The issue is about YHWH's  people and His land and their sin of torahlessness.  America will fall.  There is no doubt about it.  I just wish Kirk Cameron's eye would be opened to the fact that the roots we need to go back to starts in Genesis not Matthew.  I have done a little looking into the forefathers of this country and what I found was yes they wanted religious freedom.   But I see it more religous freedeom to have their own thoughts of how they wanted to do things of what they saw as right.  Not religious freedom to serve our Father and keep Torah.  The only Forefathers we need to be looking at is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  I have nothing against Kirk Cameron or Christians, it is the religion of Christianity.  If it was the answer, we would not be seeing the problems we are seeing.  May we all wake up and have eyes to see and ears to hear.  May our Father forgive us as we repent, and turn back to Torah, the roots of our Faith.


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