
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daniel's Timeline End Times Prophecy by Dewey Bruton


My friend from Australia sent this to me and I would like to pass it on to you all.  Remember glean and take everything back to the Word. 


1 comment:

  1. Peace and love and grace unto you from Jesus Christ our Lord.

    I was moved to seek out those who have been prepared and quickened by the Holy Ghost to receive the Good News of our Lord and Saviors return, as shown in the Scriptures of Truth and by the hand of God through His servant Dewey Bruton. The Lord God moved this humble vessel to graphically reproduce the presentation given to Dewey in 2005 (using his original voiceover). I have already contacted Dewey and he was impressed enough to request a DVD of the reproduced version which has been sent.

    I am no one, a simple man, the second son and the 3rd child of a lowly cabinet maker. On the 7th month, on the 17th of that month, 1998, the Lord God pulled me from the world and gave unto me a walking, living vision which he commanded to write in a little book. This can be found at the Sound Doctrine website below. From that point on, He, our Lord God, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has shown things that were, that are and must come to pass. I was led by the hand to measure the so called churches of this world to find them wanting and without their first love. They have been brought low by their shepherds, and priests and have led them into darkness. Through vain repetition, and keeping of days and weeks and months and years, Gods Law in them has been overwritten with foolishness and idle precepts, the desires of the heart, the worship of mammon and the love thereof, of the bowing down of the knee to men and to idols which the Lord God has commanded this children to flee from, yet have sort sanctuary in houses of brick and stone which holds not my Word or my Law saith the Lord.

    Please find presentation update here:

    The only error in the presentation, which Dewey was informed of (other than verbal slips and textual spelling etc) is the crown given unto the woman. Using the software link below, check the date shown in the video and you will see the crown is the constellation of Leo, or the Lion of Juda, the King of kings and Lord of Lords. He alone has the crown to rule over all the inhabitants of the earth. Amen.

    The sign is still the same, only the true crown is revealed to show the truth. For many will not believe, will not see, but choke on gnats, while being passed, by a multitude of camels.

    The 1920 x 1080p update to the video for you.

    To show that the Lord God knows His children before we were in the womb.
    To verify:

    I pray the Lord God has moved you after you viewed the original to prepare for those things that are to come.
    I am one crying in the wilderness, prepare for the Coming of the Lord your God, Jesus Christ the Saviour of all the world, the Lord of Hosts. Prepare the way of the Lord our God and make it straight.


    Kurt Boulter
