
Monday, January 30, 2012

Yeshua's Bride Comes From Where?

While reading an article the other day the writer mentions the scripture in Genesis 24:4 where Abraham is telling his servant, "But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac."  Now, I have learned that this story is also speaking of Abraham representing YHWH, the servant represents the Holy Spirit, and Isaac is Yeshua.   So, knowing this, what caught my eye was the words country and kindred.  I looked up country in the Hebrew and the word is erets meaning earth, nations, and the world.  Where were the Israelites scattered?  Then the word kindred, it is môledeth and means lineage, offspring and family. Who was his lineage?   Now, I am not saying no Gentiles because we know just like Ephraim and Mansseh were adopted in as sons. They were half Israelite and half Gentile.   And anyone can be grafted in who believes he/she is saved by grace through faith and now walks this path.   But what I am saying is no way is the House of Joseph or the House of Judah been replaced by Christians.  If only they knew who they were in Yeshua. 


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