
Thursday, December 29, 2011

He Reaches Out

I just got finished reading an article, Joseph and Judah:Two Brothers and the Two Houses of Israel in End-Time Prophecy.   I would like to post just a tidbit from the article that stood out to me. 

The Jewish rabbis and sages have long taught that history for the people of Israel is continually repeating itself in cyclical patterns as YHVH accomplishes his purposes among his people over and over again. He is continually endeavoring to reveal his plan of redemption and reconciliation to those who have eyes to see. He is continually reaching out the loving hand of redemption to the next generations of Israelites. This cycle, like a wheel that keeps turning around and around, will turn one more time in the last days in what the Jewish rabbis refer to as the final regathering of the exiles or the final redemption of Israel. This will involve not only the resurrection of the dead, but the reuniting of the divided kingdom of Israel, the regathering of the Israelite scattered exiles back to the land of Israel, and the coming of the Messiah who will set up his reign over this earth called the Messianic Era. This is even better known in Christians circles as the Millennium. The Jewish rabbis and sages have taught this for thousands of years—and still teach it—because they had read and believed what the biblical prophets have written in this regard.

I really enjoyed this article.  If you would like to read it in its entirety  A lot you probably already know but still good. 

My dad and mom was shown about christmas, halloween, etc. when I was a child.  And though we never fully walked away from all the traditions, our Father was trying to show them His Truth.  If only, but my parents went back to keeping all of christmas and they never really taught us why or why not.  He tried to reach them.  And once again He has reached out and I am holding on because I know it is my Life and I will teach it to my children. 


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