
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Paths of Righteousness

I am learning that our Father does not work on a timeline.  He has cycles of righteousness.  In Psalms 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  The word path in Hebrew is Magal means way, track, rampart (circular). A rampart is a defensive wall.  The root of Magal is Agol which means to revolve, circular, round.  So when we keep His commandments by walking in His ways it is like a defensive wall for us. 

A path is narrow place to walk.  But the thing about a path is it is walked on over and over and over again. It is repeated.  When I was little there was cows in our field out back, behind our house.  In the morning they would use the path to go down and then come back up.  We might want to think of a path as a straight line like the picture above, but it is something used over and over again as circular.  You might be thinking "wait a minute what about Psalm 5:8" 

Lead me, O Yahweh, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.

But the word straight means to make right, to be upright.  Not a straight line.  Ezekiel's wheel.  Wheel within a wheel.  His cycles of righteousness and the cycles of man.  More to come on that later.


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