
Saturday, September 10, 2011

To Learn Or Not To Learn

This may be old news to some of you, but for me it is a true revalation. It has occurred to me that when our Father in Heaven gave us his word, he intended us all to discuss it, learn it, and walk in it every day. So while his word is many times referred to as an instruction manual, which it is, it is much more. That's why there are so many stories using visualization and imagery to get His point across, because with imagery there comes dicussion about what is going on and the true meaning of the story. Yes, there are many places where things like the 'do's and don'ts' are listed out, which seem obvious enough, but sometimes even within them you have to read around what was happening in that time, what the culture was like, and what the neighboring nations were and weren't doing.
To go a step further, there is much more than only listening to the word being taught in a one-to-many atmosphere as in typical church settings, rather, it is meant to be discussed, and yes, even argued, among His people. If you can't get passionate about the word, what can you get passionate about! In Biblical times this would have been done with men going into a synagogue to read and interpret scriptures, hopefully with divine intervention. Thanks to our Father's Son, Yahushua, individuals such as myself, can have just as much a relationship with YAHWEH as the hierarchial church system, Jewish or Christian.  This was much of the rub when Yahushua came, it was showcasing the flaws in man made 'systems' instead of doing what Torah instructed.  Instead of listening to it from the pulpit, we all should be researching to see if what is being taught is accurate. That's why the word says in Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend". If there is no interaction between teacher and student, how is the iron to get sharp?
In this, learning and teaching, happens among His people in the same forum. We are all held accountable by the Torah and we are also held accountable to discuss and review with our family, friends, and co-workers. For me, the bigger message in this type of thinking is that our Father wants us to continually be thinking and discussing His word and message, not thinking about ourselves. Be honest, how many of us have had our minds wander astray during a message? I have, and its because we're not engaged, that is unless you're in the front row and spit comes a fly'in your way! By discussing together, and learning to interpret and discern the word, a greater meaning of the message of Yahushua comes forth then simply listening and nodding our heads. We are put to the test to use our cognitive thinking skills and apply what is learned, and yes while its scary, we even have to look at ourselves through our Father's eyes to see what he sees.

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