
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sand of the Sea

I was reading Romans 9:27 the other morning and something just didn't seem right to me.  It was like, in a way, it wasn't a good thing. 

"Isaiah also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:"

This is taken from Isaiah 10:22-23 where Isaiah is talking concerning of all the thousands of Israel only a remnant was saved.  Even though Abraham is a father of many nations and they are as the sand of the sea, only a remnant is saved.  Abraham's children are compared to sand.  We have to understand that the word sand is not spoken of in a good way in the bible.  The man who builds his house on sand, it does not stand when the storm comes. So many christians out there believe in Him but even the demons believe and that doesn't save them.  So many people believe in greasy grace.  That they can do whatever they want to do and expect Him to bless it.  It just ain't so.  Remember Aaron's sons (Lev. 10:1) who offered strange fire and was consumed.  The word strange in hebrew means to turn aside, to be a foreigner and to commit adultery.  That is interesting.  In other words they turned from the commandmants of how it was to be done.  They thought they could offer whatever and it would be okay.  And even Aaron knew he could not partake of the offering without the right heart attitude (Lev. 10:19).  Aaron's sons had died and yes it affected him and he knew he could not partake of the sin offering.  So many christians are building their houses (foundations) on sand instead of digging deep and building on the rock of Yahushua, the living Torah.   That man shall stand and not waver and not be ashamed. 

I was going to end there but christians need to really understand yes there are alot of people who are descendants of Abraham, many nations, the sands of the sea, but only a remnant will be saved.  Why? ( Rev. 12:17) Because only the remnant is keeping the commandments of Elohim and have the testimony of Yahushua. 

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