
Saturday, February 12, 2011

His Way or the Highway!

My Mom's belief was her way or the highway.  I believe that goes for our Father in heaven too! If you don't choose His Way, He let's you go down your own highway.  But, you better hang on because as you look and see, it is a bumpy ride. 

I was looking up the Psalm 119 in my husband's bible.  This Psalm is all about our Father's Torah.  But I would like to quote the comment made at the bottom of the page from Nelson's NKJV Bible on this chapter.

"The Hebrew word torah, translated law, basically means "instruction" or "direction."  Broadly it refers to all God's instructions from Moses to the prophets.  More strictly it refers to the first five books of the Old Testament.  The Law was never designed as a means of salvation; no one could be saved by keeping it.  The Lord gave His law to a people with whom He had already graciously established a covenantal relationship (Ex. 20:2).  Instead, the Law was the means for the Israelites to learn how to live as God's holy people.  The psalmists consistently describe the Law of God as a great blessing, for it was God's gracious revelation to His people for their own good.  (Deut. 6:1-3).  In the Law, God mercifully pointed out the right path to follow.  Only mistaken legalistic interpretations of the Law prompted the negative statements concerning it in the New Testament."

While typing this I was reminded of the scripture in Deut. 4:5,6:

 "Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.
 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."

Did you see that?  This is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations.  Wow. 

While going over what I wrote above I realized I missed a whole sentence so I asked my husband to read the comment back to me while I read what I typed and he reminded me of a quote we used to have on our frig.  I had copied from a NLT Study Bible we have.  So I would like to also share.

"Biblical law is more that lists of do's and don'ts.  It is a system of divine expectaions regarding belief and behavior which, if faithfully carried out, will bring God's richest blessing.  Life itself depends on keeping the law (Deut. 4:1; see also 5:32-33; 8:1; 16:20).

The exodus from Egypt freed the nation of Israel to become God's servant.  When God delivered Israel from bondage by "a strong hand, a powerful arm, and terrifying acts"(4:34), it was not because Israel had earned this right through its own righteousness but because God is gracious and faithful to his promises to Abraham.  The purpose of the rescue from Egypt was not just to relieve the Israelites of their onerous burdens (Exodus 1:11-22; 5:4-23), but to make a covenant with them.  The covenant relationship did not make the Israelites God's people; they already were his people (see Ex. 4:22-23). Obedience was not a precondition to the, but the proper response to it.  It placed on them the responsibility of serving God as a priestly kingdom and a holy nation (Ex. 19:4-6).

The covenant guaranteed the people of Israel abundant and meaningful life if they kept the law.  The covenant document consists of broad principles, patterns and standards.  God's instructions are embodied most famously in the Ten Commandmenst (Deut 5:6-21) and most succinctly in the Shema (6:4-5).  All other laws of God are interpretations and applications of these primary principls.  The law was given to regulate Israel's affairs as a nation so that God's people would be a beacon of his grace to the whole world.

The life that resulted from obedience to the law was not eternal life in the NT sense.  It was God's promise that is the Israelites were faithful to the covenant, the nation could expect long and prosperous days in the land (4:1; 5:16, 33; 10:8-9).  Jesus also exhorted his disciples to keep the Ten Commandments and the demands of the Shema (Matt. 22:37-40)--not to have eternal life but as an expression of commitment to him(Matt. 5:17-19; John 14:15-21)."

The church has taught that we only follow what Jesus says in the New Testament.  But as I have said before the New wasn't even written yet when he spoke.  He only quoted the Old.  Quote out of NLT Bible:

"The blessings of Jesus are Beatitudes because of Latin Vulgate translates the Greek word blessed as beati. No single word can capture all that Jesus is communicationg with this term here.  He is describing the special favor of God toward his people, both physically and spiritually, and the consequences of living within that faor, Jesus calls men and women to follow him as he proclaims the message of the Kingdom of Israel (Matt.11:6; 13:16; 16:17;  24:46) The Beatitudes describe the lifestyle and character of a follower of Jesus.  Those who are blessed have repented in response to the proclamation of the kingdom (4:17-22).  The Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12) are quoted from/connected to Isa. 61:1-3.  The Spirit endows, leads to proclamation, and blesses the poor, the humble, and the righteous.

"God blesses" conveys the ideas of divine origin and approval (Matt. 25:34), fulfillment (11:6; 13:16; 16:17),  reversal (Luke 1-2; 6:20-26) and the condition of obedience required in order to enjoy the blessings (Psalm 1:1, 3-6; 106:3; 112:1; 119:102; Pro. 8:32; Isa 56:2).  The blessings are inaugurated with the Messiah's coming, with a confident hope that they with be enjoyed eternally and completely." 

Yeshua said "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near"(Matt. 4:17).
He was talking to those who had turned away from Torah.  Repent means to turn back to the place you came from. 

The church has taught that we don't have to keep the law. But like Peter says, if someone is not learned in the Torah they will misinterpret Paul and follow after those of lawlessness (2 Peter 3:15-17)  Sounds like the church.  It teaches lawlessness.  Lucy you have some splainin to do.  Why would He go through all of that to set up a Way for His people to live and then drop it like a hot potato. I don't thinks so. He says He doesn't do anything without revealing His secrets to His prophets (Amos 3:7).  So if it ain't in the Old it wasn't changed. 

Look at this world we live in.  The more left the church has become so has the world.  He has had enough, and our sins are reaching Heaven.  He will be coming down soon to deal with it.  He came as a lamb the first time but when He returns, it will be as a Lion. 

Written by:  Jana D. Pindell


  1. I think you and the church are in agreement. You stated in your post "The Law was never designed as a means of salvation; no one could be saved by keeping it." I would say that is the exact doctorine of the church. Salvation is by grace and grace alone. Grace, being unmerrited favor, it is a free gift. It is the main reason the word says(Rom 6:14-15) we are no longer under the law. Yeshua has taken our just punishment and has met the righteous requirement of the Law (Rom. 8:4). The Law can still convict us, showing us where we are 'in the flesh' but it can never condemn us to Hell.
    We should try to live a life pleaseing to God. I also agree that God gave us his laws to as you stated "Biblical law is more that lists of do's and don'ts. It is a system of divine expectaions regarding belief and behavior which, if faithfully carried out, will bring God's richest blessing." God had no random laws they all had a purpose. The beauty of the freedom when find in Christ is we can look to Gods purpose rather than blindly following a bunch of do's and don'ts. This is what allows us to have a relationship with our creator and savior rather than simply keeping a scorecard of how well we followed the rules each day. Great insight, keep the posts coming!!!!

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Sorry, but you are wrong I am not in agreement at all with the church. The church keeps pagan holidays and not the Holy Days of Yahweh. The church teaches fluff. The things that tickle the ear(2 Tim. 4:3). Unfortunately, that fluff gets stuck in the ears and you cannot hear anything else. The Law is instructions for living, not for saving you. The sacrificial system is what brought you back into relationship with Yahweh when you missed the mark(sin). We are only saved by Grace and Grace alone. And yes we are no longer under the law that demanded our blood. Our Saviour took on our punishment, because we went whoring after other gods. So once our husband has died we are no longer under that law(Romans 7). BUT, we now can be remarried to Him under a fresh covenant written on our hearts(Deut. 11:18; Psalm 37:30,31; Psalm 119:11). The Feasts of Tabernacles is the Wedding Feast. When He returns to gather His Bride from the four corners (Rev. 19:7;Luke 12:36).

    If you don't keep Torah, you don't get the blessings. As stated before, "It is a system of divine expectaions regarding belief and behavior which, if faithfully carried out, will bring God's richest blessing". Yes, the beauty we have in Christ is that we are free, from being stoned to death, etc. The Torah required blood. Now, He has fulfilled the Torah as He said He would (Matt. 5:17). This is what allows us to have a relationship with our Creator. You are right it is not a scorecard, people who keep scorecards are always looking at the negative and not paying attention to the game. So, you need to put down your pencil and scorecard and walk in obedience to His Word(Torah).
